Friday, July 27, 2012

Festival Indulgence

I'm home.

Today we've rehearsed.

From now on, it's gonna be a festival sequel.
We have created many live performance with different contents.
Though a fest is just a fest,
But the atmosphere might be completely different depend on its location. 
I wonder how its gonna feels like?
I'm really looking forward for it!

Let's start it from Fukuoka.
Would you come, guys?

And during the rehearsal break, we had a meeting to discuss the costume.

Looks like the next one is gonna be much more better!

Well then,
Now I'm gonna rest, cause tomorrow I've to wake up early too. 
Have a nice dream.

「From 7/20(Friday)~ 8/31(Friday)
SCANDAL SHOP in Harajuku will be open!!」

☆In commemoration of its opening,
SCANDAL SHOP Blog」 has been established!


2012-07-27 00:06:28 

Credit to jigoku79 at SH for translate.

1 comment:

  1. RINA should wake up early and now she starts sleep at 12AM? さすが里奈ちゃんー


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